Most people love 'new starts'. Dieters and would be gym enthusiasts especially favor Mondays. This year I am trying to use my Retro Fitness membership a lot more. I always feel great when I leave the building after a workout, it's getting there that is the issue.
What wakes you up? Is it the thought of a new year, the results of your cholesterol test, or another young friend having a cardiac episode? Perhaps it's the first feel of a warm Spring breeze that sends the panic through your bones...bathing suit season is just around the corner! Beach or no beach, the layers we've been hiding under, have to be shed in just a few months. Eeeek!
Most of you know it is never about weight. Health and energy are the name of the game. The good news is, health looks great, energy is contageous and a spirit of control does wonders for our self esteem!
Seize the day. March is coming, and guess what? It starts on Monday!
What will you be doing differently? Perhaps it's time to eliminate all non-food, foods from your diet. Maybe it's time to invest in a great water bottle and go for close to a gallon a day. Who knows? Think it over and share it here on our blog. We would love to hear from you and lend some community support.
Visit The Embrace Heath website and consider signing up for one of the programs. Our Health Call's happen every other Sunday night. A real community is forming there, as we put into practice the fantastic things we are learning.
Spring is coming...
Your right, sound great!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea!
ReplyDeleteI love your posting about March beginning on a Monday and starting things "new" (even this late in the new year!). It was a great day in regards to change for the Byrd family. I took Josh on a tour through Whole Foods to show him everything I learned. We left with sacks full of fruits, veggies, and even the green grass stuff to mix in my drink!
ReplyDeleteSo, day one, here are our victories:
-I had a wheat grass drink. All by myself.
-The kids had only fruit for lunch, including a smoothie with some hidden wheat grass. It was a miracle they didn't miss the PB&J!
-I took Patti's "salad bar in the fridge" idea and cut up our produce and put it in clear glass containers at eye level in our fridge.
-I made sweet potato fries for the first time ever and my kids LOVED them! Another miracle.
I will also be experimenting with some new vegetables this week, wish me luck!