
Monday, May 17, 2010

Two Week Sprint

What can happen in 2 weeks?

You can jump start some significant and healthy weight loss!
Smoothies are huge sources of nutrients. They are very satisfying. You can stuff a lot of goodness into the blender pitcher. We often replace breakfast, snacks or lunch with them. Fourteen days focused on fruits, vegetables, whole grains (in moderation), no processed food and lots of smoothies will slim you right down for Memorial Day fun!

You can get healthy, real, sustainable energy!
As your nutrients increase, your body can heal. Toxins move out and healthy chlorophyll-rich molecules zoom into your blood stream ready to juice up those wanting cells. You feel clean, light, even and strong.

You get clearer, fresher skin!
As your cells are fed, your eyes and skin will begin to look clearer and brighter. When you first increase the good and purge the bad, an eruption or two may happen on your face. This is a normal detoxifying function of the skin, that means healing is happening. Keep up the greens. The healing will happen yielding a clear healthy glow.

Your pipes will do their job!
The increased levels of nutrients and fiber will help your digestive track preform beautifully. Wastes will move through and out as they should allowing for your body to detoxify with more efficiency.

The fourteen days will go by fast. Focus, explore recipes, and search out new vegetables to try. Let those sweets, heavy meats, cheeses and breads stay away for these two short weeks. The results will catapult you to even greater success!

Keep in touch. Let's really inspire and support each other through this two week sprint!


  1. Thanks Patti for the encouragement! I'm on board and loving the healthy feeling!! It's so begin to crave less of the unhealthy stuff and look forward to the fresh, wholesome live foods!!


  2. Thursday, May 20, 2010
    Finally!!, I've created a blog and I'm ready to roll! Today I sat at my computer listening to a nurse and a physician assistant moan about their constipation and bowel problems. They are literally running to the bathroom multiple times. The nurse has bad eating habits and the PA cringes at the sight of vegetables. I printed out Patty's blog with the green smoothie challenge and asked her to try it. I also showed her the youtube video "15 recipes in 3 minutes". That was fun to watch. I hope to get to the grocer tonite and bring in everything I need to make smoothies tomorrow. I've been talking them up. I'll post reactions :)

  3. Keep it up Andrea! You are going to start to feel really good. A lot of people I talk to are hooked. They really feel it if they have to miss a day. I am like that too.
