
Thursday, July 19, 2012

What's So Great About Eating Raw?

So why eat raw? Does it really matter if we eat our food cooked or not? Isn't it enough to be vegetarian or vegan?

In a nutshell - no pun intended, raw whole foods - fruits, vegetables, sprouted nuts, seeds and legumes are the most healing, cleansing and easily digested foods you can eat. Large healing institutes across the country like the Hippocrates Institute, Health Quarters and to a great extent the Gerson Clinic promote the abundance of raw foods and juices to their patients. Chronically ill individuals seeking healing go on strict diets of large amounts of raw, organic juices and whole raw foods for extended periods of time. These foods detoxify, hydrate and provide the body with the energy needed for healing. Hundreds of people have had tremendous results from this practice.

How? Raw foods have all their life force in tack - vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Raw foods practically digest themselves. The digestive system is much less taxed leaving more energy for other bodily functions - healing, thinking, moving etc. The standard American diet ( S.A.D.) rich in processed and concentrated foods like sugar, salts, meat and dairy products, saps our energy as food is digested and produces and acid state in the body. Raw foods are quickly and easily digested leaving the body in an alkaline state which allows more life giving oxygen into the blood and cells. 

Should we be 100% raw? This is up to the individual. As noted above, those who are aggressively trying to heal benefit tremendously from this kind of eating. Everyone will benefit when whole vitamin, mineral and enzyme rich foods are dominant in their diets. Nothing is cooked out. It is food the way it was grown to be eaten!

Check out this website for more information:

More on this in future posts. For now, why not give it a try for a day or two. Let us know what happens to you!

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