
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Best One Yet

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Do not let the not-so-attractive title fool you. I have seen a lot of scare 'em straight food movies, but nothing beats this. Joe Cross does an amazingly realistic and entertaining job reeling the audience into his quest and his pain. Along the way he artistically educates us about the connection of what we eat and our health. He is a successful, big spending Australian who embodies exactly what the title says. He is a radical type of guy at the end of his rope. Here is the trailer.

He comes to America and meeets with Dr. Joel Fuhrman. As you may recall Dr. Fuhrman coined one of my favorite phrases - 'nutrient density'. He is the author of Eat to Live and a nationally known nutrition expert. Under Dr. Fuhrman's care, Joe goes on a 2 month fresh juice fast to clean himself up. He does this while traveling the USA interviewing and trying to inspire people along the way.

The film documents his own, at times very painful, journey.  Just when you think it is over you will meet an unlikely character that is sure to inspire you.

Here is the link to watch it free online:  I hope you will invest the hour and a half. It is well worth it.