
Monday, April 26, 2010

Green Smoothie Challenge

With Summer just around the corner the desire for cleanness, life and energy is everywhere. Whether it is the birds vigorously chirping at 5:00am or all the sudden bikers, joggers and dog walkers, life is happening all around us. What better time to rev up our own engines, than the lovey month of May!!!

This month join in the fun as we embark on the Green Smoothie Challenge.

Beginning Saturday May 1st, drink at least 16 ounces (1 pint) of your favorite smoothie each day. Use additional nutrient packed greens. You can use whatever you want. The greens add very little taste but a ton of tremendous benefits! Use collards, kale, Swiss chard, spinach - you name it. The only rule is NO DAIRY. Use plant based milks like almond, coconut, hemp or rice. Use water or juice, but no dairy in the smoothies.

Still not a believer? Watch this video (copy and paste this address into your address bar):

We will use this blog to exchange recipes, tips, and results! Write in and share what you are learning, how you are feeling, and what is changing as the month progresses.

The results will blow your mind!

Spread the word...


  1. sounds great for me..I like smoothies..i make them pretty often.. i don't use dairy on them i will add a green to my smoothie this week and will give you the feedback.



  2. Hi Patti,

    I'm starting early with an odwalla superfood drink! I can't wait to see what happens after a month of the green stuff!

    See you soon,

  3. Well, since we just switched to Almond milk (the kids LOVE it - its a treat for them!) we are looking forward to the smoothie challenge. Josh used to do smoothies all the time but I tend to have a hard time with the texture of smoothies. I'm hoping that I can get past that hurdle by pushing through the first week. I look forward to seeing what happens! Especially since I have been battling headaches all of a smoothie here I come!
    Michelle (& Josh will join!)

  4. ok so i better go a purchase a blender. Were so new to all this but am looking forward to learning and trying new things. So smoothies here we come. Love The Macks!

  5. Glad you mentioned the blender Rosa!

    Look for one that has at least 600 watts, or close to 1 horsepower. You can find them at Costco or Bed Bath and Beyond - use the coupon :) The most important factor is that it can CRUSH ICE. Do a little homework.

    I have a Kitchen Aid 0.9 horsepower. It cost me $99 at Kitchen Kapers. That was the best price around. It is a good one, middle of the road. You will love having a blender. You can make all kinds of soups, smoothies and even ice creams with it.

    Check my blog for a smoothie recipe or go to Youtube to see some green smoothie demos.

    Welcome aboard!!

  6. All ready !!! This should be great. I actually like the smoothies and since the retreat have been slowly switching to the Almond milk. The rest of the family.... Well hopefully my example and experiments will help to convert them as well.

    Thanks !

  7. Hi -
    I'm getting ready for the 28 day challenge! I've already been making myself bean soup for lunches - can of beans (rinsed, of course!), some salsa, some chopped garlic, blend, warm and eat!! Yum. And makes me toasty warm inside.

    Now I need to go to the store and stock up on the rest of the menu.
